How to filter a Pandas DataFrame

There is a filter method on Pandas DataFrame, but it is limited to only filtering on the labels on the index columns. There are multiple ways to filter a DataFrame to focus on the information required. This article demonstrates a number of ways to filter data in a DataFrame.

Comparing a DataFrame to be equal to a value with double equals ( == ) will return a dataframe of boolean values set to true, where the values in the dataframe equal the compare value. This boolean dataframe can be fed into the original dataframe to return a dataframe with only the data that matched the compare value. This is more useful when the comparison is on a single column.

Summary of methods to filter Pandas DataFrame:

Filtering data in Pandas DataFrame

df[df['Rank'] == 16]
Get rows in df that have a Rank equal to 16
df[df['Rank'] >= 16]
Get rows in df that have a Rank greater than or equal to 16
df[df['Rank'] > 16]
df[df['Rank'] != 16]
df[df['Rank'] < 16]
df[df['Rank'] <= 16]
Other numeric comparison include
greater than

Not equal to

less than

less than or equal to
df[df['Name'] == 'JASMINE']
Get rows in df that have a Name equal to JASMINE
df[df['Name'].str.startswith('A')] Get rows in df that have a Name that starts with A
df[df['Name'].str.endswith('A')] Get rows in df that have a Name that ends with A
df[df['Name'].str.contains('AS')] Get rows in df that have a Name that contains the letters 'AS'
df[df['Name'].str.contains('as', case=False)] Get rows in df that have a Name that contains the letters 'as' ignoring case
df[df['Name'].str.contains('ian$|ine$', case=False, regex=True)] Get rows in df that have a Name ending in 'ian' or 'ine' ignoring case
df[df['Name'].isin(['SOPHIA','PAUL'])] Get rows in df that have a Name in a list of names
df[( (df['Name'].str.contains('A')) & (df['Year'] > 1980) & (df['Gender'] == 'Female') & (df['Count'] > 1500) )] Get rows in df that have a Name containing the letter 'A' and have Gender Female with a count greater than 1500 and are after 1980
df.filter(items=['Year', 'Name'], axis=1) Use filter method to filter the dataframe to specified columns
df.filter(like='7', axis=0) Filter DataFrame to index equal to a value
df.filter(regex='^5|8', axis=0) Use filter method to filter the dataframe to indexes beginning with 5 or 8

Load sample data

We will use the most popular baby names from popular baby names. This dataset contains data for the top 25 baby names in California based on information entered on birth certificates.

Load the data directly from the website:

1url = ""
2names_df = pd.read_csv(url)

Review the data:

 4(3003, 5)
 6     Year    Gender    Rank   Name       Count
 70    1960    Female    1      SUSAN      3299
 81    1960    Female    2      MARY       3248
 92    1960    Female    3      KAREN      3156
103    1960    Female    4      CYNTHIA    2982
114    1960    Female    5      LISA       2839

Trim the data to a sample set of 10 rows that will be used to demonstrate filtering dataframes.

1df = names_df.sample(n=10, random_state=1)
2df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

Sample dataframe of top baby names

Sample dataframe of top baby names

Filter by numeric data in a column

A common field type to filter data on is a numeric field. It is possible to filter where the number is equal to a particular number or less than or greater than a number.

4Year       int64
5Gender    object
6Rank       int64
7Name      object
8Count      int64

Selecting a column in a dataframe such as df['Rank'] returns a Pandas.Series, which can be compared to a single number that will return a Pandas.Series of boolean values.

 1df['Rank'] == 16
 40    False
 51    False
 62    False
 73    False
 84    False
 95    False
106    False
117     True
128     True
139    False

DataFrame of booleans that match the criteria

DataFrame of booleans that match the criteria

The Pandas.Series of boolean values can then be used on the original DataFrame to return only the rows where the boolean values are true. Pandas DataFrame also has functions such as eq to perform element-wise comparison, similar to the logic comparisons such as ==.

All logic comparisons work in a similar way

operator function description
== eq equal to
!= ne not equal to
> gt greater than
>= ge greater than or equal to
< lt less than
<= le less than or equal to
1df[df['Rank'] == 16]
4   Year  Gender  Rank       Name  Count
57  1983  Female    16    VANESSA   1517
68  1995    Male    16  CHRISTIAN   2761

Filter DataFrame on numeric value

Filter DataFrame on numeric value

Numeric data Greater Than

1df[df['Rank'] > 19]
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
51  2000  Female    24  DESTINY   1188
63  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482
79  1960    Male    21     PAUL   2136

Filter DataFrame on numeric value - greater than

Filter DataFrame on numeric value - greater than

Numeric data Greater Than or Equal To

1df[df['Rank'] >= 19]
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
51  2000  Female    24  DESTINY   1188
63  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482
74  1967    Male    19   THOMAS   2149
89  1960    Male    21     PAUL   2136

Filter DataFrame on numeric value - greater than or equal to

Filter DataFrame on numeric value - greater than or equal to

Filter by text in a column

Text fields can be filtered in a similar manner as the numeric fields.

1df[df['Name'] == 'JASMINE']
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
53  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482

Filter DataFrame on Text value

Filter DataFrame on Text value

Filter by partial text match in columns

Text comparison is case-sensitive and the logic operators compare the given text with the text in the entire field for an exact match. The greater-than and less-than operators work on text, but these are of limited use. Pandas.Series.str to the rescue! The Pandas.Series.str has a number of string comparisons to allow filtering dataframes on virtually anything. The use of pandas.Series.str.contains and pandas.Series.str.match allows the use or regular expressions, but these may be slower on larger dataframes. The contains function takes a boolean parameter for regex and when set to False, treats the pattern as a literal string. The contains function defaults to searching in a case-sensitive manner, but this can be changed with the parameter case.

Filter on names starting with a letter

4   Year  Gender  Rank    Name  Count
52  1992  Female     6  AMANDA   2776

Filter DataFrame on Text value - startswith

Filter DataFrame on Text value - startswith

Filter on names ending with a letter

4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
52  1992  Female     6   AMANDA   2776
65  2013  Female     1   SOPHIA   3447
77  1983  Female    16  VANESSA   1517

Filter DataFrame on Text value - endswith

Filter DataFrame on Text value - endswith

Filter on names containing text

4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
53  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482
64  1967    Male    19   THOMAS   2149

Filter DataFrame on Text value - contains

Filter DataFrame on Text value - contains

Match string ignoring case using the case parameter set to False.

1df[df['Name'].str.contains('as', case=False)]
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
53  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482
64  1967    Male    19   THOMAS   2149

Filter DataFrame on Text value - contains, ignore case

Filter DataFrame on Text value - contains, ignore case

The default for pandas.Series.str.contains is to use a regular expression. This code searches for all names that end in either ian or ine. When the regex parameter is set to False this does not match any names.

 1df[df['Name'].str.contains('ian$|ine$', case=False, regex=True)]
 4   Year  Gender  Rank       Name  Count
 53  1991  Female    23    JASMINE   1482
 66  1980    Male    14      BRIAN   2737
 78  1995    Male    16  CHRISTIAN   2761
10df[df['Name'].str.contains('ian$|ine$', case=False, regex=False)]
13Empty DataFrame

Filter DataFrame on Text value - regex

Filter DataFrame on Text value - regex

Filter by multiple search criteria

Filtering on a single field is great. Filtering data can be even more powerful when combining different search criteria either on the same column or on multiple columns. This can get confusing as the number of conditions grow and it is worth noting that the conditions are applied to each row individually. As an example, suppose we want all the data for names 'SOPHIA' and 'PAUL'. We cannot look for data where name is 'SOPHIA' and where name is 'PAUL', as no individual row has both of these. Instead we need to look for data where name is 'SOPHIA' OR where name is 'PAUL'.

However, if it is an exact match on multiple values, it is better to use pandas.DataFrame.isin function - and it is easier to read.

1df[((df['Name'] == 'SOPHIA') | (df['Name'] == 'PAUL'))]
6   Year  Gender  Rank    Name  Count
75  2013  Female     1  SOPHIA   3447
89  1960    Male    21    PAUL   2136

Filter DataFrame on Text value - isin

Filter DataFrame on Text value - isin

Filter on all records where the name starts with "J" and ends in "INE".

1df[((df['Name'].str.startswith('J')) & (df['Name'].str.endswith('INE')))]
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
53  1991  Female    23  JASMINE   1482

Filter DataFrame on Text value - startswith and endswith

Filter DataFrame on Text value - startswith and endswith

Filter by multiple columns

Multiple search criteria can also be applied across multiple columns. This code filters on all rows where the "Name" contains the letter "A" and the "Year" is after 1980 and the "Gender" is "Female" and the "Count" is greater than 1,500. The conditions are enclosed in braces and spread out on multiple lines to make the conditions easier to read. The filtered data will only contain rows where all of these conditions are met.

 2    (df['Name'].str.contains('A'))
 3    & (df['Year'] > 1980)
 4    & (df['Gender'] == 'Female')
 5    & (df['Count'] > 1500)
 6   )]
 9   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
102  1992  Female     6   AMANDA   2776
115  2013  Female     1   SOPHIA   3447
127  1983  Female    16  VANESSA   1517

Filter DataFrame on multiple columns

Filter DataFrame on multiple columns

Filter the full names dataset

Filter on all of the Male names ending in "R" in the top ten names after the year 1990.

 2    (names_df['Name'].str.endswith('R'))
 3    & (names_df['Year'] > 1990)
 4    & (names_df['Gender'] == 'Male')
 5    & (names_df['Rank'] < 10)
 6   )]
 9      Year Gender  Rank         Name  Count
101577  1991   Male     2  CHRISTOPHER   5672
111628  1992   Male     3  CHRISTOPHER   5102
121679  1993   Male     4  CHRISTOPHER   4600
131729  1994   Male     4  CHRISTOPHER   4172
141779  1995   Male     4  CHRISTOPHER   4013
151830  1996   Male     5  CHRISTOPHER   3896
161880  1997   Male     5  CHRISTOPHER   3680
171934  1998   Male     9  CHRISTOPHER   3386
181984  1999   Male     9  CHRISTOPHER   3237
192033  2000   Male     8  CHRISTOPHER   3311
202334  2006   Male     9  CHRISTOPHER   2869
212382  2007   Male     7  CHRISTOPHER   2978
222431  2008   Male     6    ALEXANDER   2865
232434  2008   Male     9  CHRISTOPHER   2607
242480  2009   Male     5    ALEXANDER   2875
252529  2010   Male     4    ALEXANDER   2593
262581  2011   Male     6    ALEXANDER   2454
272632  2012   Male     7    ALEXANDER   2415
282682  2013   Male     7    ALEXANDER   2374
292731  2014   Male     5    ALEXANDER   2485
302783  2015   Male     6    ALEXANDER   2304
312834  2016   Male     7    ALEXANDER   2218
322886  2017   Male     9    ALEXANDER   1998
332935  2018   Male     8    ALEXANDER   1908
342984  2019   Male     7    ALEXANDER   1838

Filter using Filter method

The filter method on Pandas DataFrame is limited to only filtering on the index column names. This is of limited use, but it does support filtering on regex. The filter method can take 4 parameters but items, like, or regex are mutually exclusive. Using Filter can be useful when the field of interest is the index or can be set as the index of the DataFrame.

Filter on columns in the list.

 1df.filter(items=['Year', 'Name'], axis=1)
 4   Year       Name
 50  1982   MICHELLE
 61  2000    DESTINY
 72  1992     AMANDA
 83  1991    JASMINE
 94  1967     THOMAS
105  2013     SOPHIA
116  1980      BRIAN
127  1983    VANESSA
138  1995  CHRISTIAN
149  1960       PAUL

Filter columns on DataFrame

Filter columns on DataFrame

Filter where the index is 7.
1df.filter(like='7', axis=0)
4   Year  Gender  Rank     Name  Count
57  1983  Female    16  VANESSA   1517

Filter DataFrame on Index equal to 7

Filter DataFrame on Index equal to 7

Filter where the index begins with 5 or 8 using regex.
1df.filter(regex='^5|8', axis=0)
4   Year  Gender  Rank       Name  Count
55  2013  Female     1     SOPHIA   3447
68  1995    Male    16  CHRISTIAN   2761

Filter DataFrame with regex on index

Filter DataFrame with regex on index


It is easy to filter data in a Pandas DataFrame, but the filter method may not be the method you are looking for! If you are familiar with SQL, you may find the where method, but this is not used for filtering in Pandas as discussed in "Pandas - Dataframe Where function".

Filtering data in DataFrames is done by matching criteria on a particular column in the DataFrame and feeding the boolean Data Series into the original DataFrame to filter out where there is not a match. This sounds more complicated than it is and this article showed some basic examples of filtering on numeric data and text data.